Friday, January 2, 2015

Technical Requirements

We are using a method called photogrammetry to create these 3D models. We rely on 123D Catch, a powerful free service provided by Autodesk. This in turn relies on WebGL. In order to manipulate the models, the combination of your browser and computer graphics hardware must support WebGL. To find out whether or not you will be able to manipulate the models, go to this website. If the first word you see is "Yay" you are in luck!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Navigation controls

Navigating through the 3D models is sometimes confusing. Here is a graphic that shows mouse controls.

If you are using a trackpad, click+drag allows you to 'tumble' the model, while holding spacebar+click+drag allows you to pan around the space. Tap with two fingers and drag them forward or back to zoom in and out.

3D controller cube
You can also use the controller cube in the upper right corner of the window where the model appears. The small 'home' icon will return the model to the default position - especially useful if it gets into a weird position that is hard to recover from!